First there was the tax return, lurking around like a worthy but irritating aquaintance ("you really should have done me in September, then you woudn't be worrying now"...).
Then there was the complete overhaul and tidying of my studio. Remember those little flat puzzles with one piece missing and you have to shove the other bits around to make a picture? Imagine...the smallest room crammed high with books, boxes, toys, my '78 record collection, mostly untouched in three years. We decided to explore the boxes. That's when it started. Ten year old letters from people I'd forgotten existed. Ancient gig posters, a carnival of ephemera collected in dizzy student days when every printed scrap was a new adventure. Photographs of younger, thinner us's. Petrified art materials and unidentifiable Things. It all got too much and we hastily crammed the whole bejabers under the table again.
It seemed the right time for a major spring clean.
It seemed the right time for a major spring clean.

Andy has re-ignited his on-off affair with Design. The happy couple are having frequent torrid sessions in Photoshop and spawning marvellous multi-coloured collages, to be found here. He also has a new bureau, a pale oak beauty found languishing in a dusty second hand shop. Thus ensued another day of rearranging the bedroom, which I had though impossible as all space is utilised to the utmost. We managed. But that really has to be it, until we get our five bedroomed farmhouse...

And the rest....well, before Christmas I rashly promised someone another nursery commission, which in retrospect was unwise as I am supposed to be mid-way through two books. A five day rush job on the painting put me way behind with the commercial work, but I only have myself to blame. So - much catching up and apologies to Art Directors, who are very understanding. There is much to be said for a steady routine. I mean to get one, one day.